What is UX user experience design?

User experience (UX) design is a critical aspect of every product, whether physical or digital. It encompasses the entire journey a user takes when interacting with a business. In the digital realm, this becomes especially significant, as users engage with websites and applications, making their experience a pivotal factor in product satisfaction and success.

UI/UX difference

The UX Design Journey:

Imagine visiting an online shoe store. A poorly designed UX might present a category page with numerous shoes but lacking filters for gender or specific models. This complicates the search, leading to frustration and potentially abandoned purchases. A skilled UX designer identifies and solves such issues, streamlining the user’s path, introducing filters, and eliminating unnecessary steps, resulting in a more efficient and pleasant experience.

Understanding UI Design:

Complementary to UX, user interface (UI) design focuses on the visual elements of digital products—the graphical interface that facilitates user interaction. From backgrounds and menus to buttons and colors, the UI designer shapes the aesthetics and layout of what users see when engaging with a website or application.

Differentiating UX and UI Design:

While UX encompasses the holistic user journey, UI is specific to the digital, visual aspects of products. UX can extend to physical products, covering areas like website design, product delivery, and after-sales service. In contrast, UI pertains solely to the virtual interface of digital products. Despite this distinction, UX and UI must collaborate seamlessly for overall success in product design.

Analogies for Better Comprehension:

  • Road Trip Analogy: UX ensures a smooth road trip, focusing on the car’s functionality, speed, and planned stops. UI, on the other hand, pays attention to the car’s color, style, and cleanliness—enhancing the overall visual experience.

  • Human Body Analogy: UX is comparable to the internal organs, emphasizing how they work together for optimal functionality. UI represents the body’s appearance, addressing aesthetics and visual appeal.

  • Food Analogy: In a culinary context, UX corresponds to the taste and overall experience of consuming the dish, while UI is akin to its presentation and visual appeal.In the digital product design journey, UX sets the foundation by guiding users through problem-solving steps. UI then breathes life into this framework, translating solutions into visually appealing elements. Continuous testing and optimization are key, ensuring a dynamic and user-centric design that evolves with changing needs and preferences. Understanding the collaborative roles of UX and UI is essential for creating successful and user-friendly digital experiences.


Ի՞նչ է UX օգտագործողի փորձի ձևավորումը:
Օգտագործողի փորձառության (UX) դիզայնը յուրաքանչյուր ապրանքի կարևոր կողմն է՝ լինի ֆիզիկական, թե թվային: Այն ընդգրկում է օգտատերի ամբողջ ճանապարհորդությունը բիզնեսի հետ շփվելիս: Թվային ոլորտում սա հատկապես կարևոր է դառնում, քանի որ օգտվողները ներգրավվում են կայքերի և հավելվածների հետ՝ իրենց փորձը դարձնելով ապրանքի գոհունակության և հաջողության առանցքային գործոն:


Что такое UX-дизайн пользовательского опыта?
Дизайн пользовательского опыта (UX) — важнейший аспект каждого продукта, будь то физический или цифровой. Он охватывает весь путь пользователя при взаимодействии с бизнесом. В цифровой сфере это становится особенно важным, поскольку пользователи взаимодействуют с веб-сайтами и приложениями, что делает их опыт ключевым фактором удовлетворенности продуктом и успеха.

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